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La industrialización inclusiva y sostenible, junto con la innovación y la infraestructura, pueden dar rienda suelta a las fuerzas económicas dinámicas y competitivas que generan el empleo y los ingresos. Estas desempeñan un papel clave a la hora de introducir y promover nuevas tecnologías, facilitar el comercio internacional y permitir el uso eficiente de los recursos.

Sin embargo, todavía queda un largo camino que recorrer para que el mundo pueda aprovechar al máximo este potencial. En especial, los países menos desarrollados necesitan acelerar el desarrollo de sus sectores manufactureros si desean conseguir la meta de 2030 y aumentar la inversión en investigación e innovación científicas.

Fuente: https://www.un.org/

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Ángel Sevil Estebán

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Ángel Sevil is Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at the School of Business and Economics at Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Chile.

His primary fields of research are business sustainability, corporate social responsibility, strategy, and innovation.

Angel completed his Ph.D. in Business Administration at IAE Business School. He also earned a Master of Science in Management Studies from MIT, an MBA from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and a Master of Science in Engineering from Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.

He has been awarded a fellowship and a research grant from the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research.

His publications have appeared in leading journals, including Journal of Management Studies, Applied Behavioral Sciences, and Sustainability Sciences, among others.

He has been an active member of the STR and SIM Divisions at the Academy of Management.

Finally, Angel has held CEO positions in multinational companies, integrating academic and practical expertise.

objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU

Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico

Industria, innovación e infraestructura

Producción y consumo responsable

Acción por el clima

Alianza para lograr los objetivos

Nélyda Campos Requena

Profesor Asistente
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Nélyda Campos Requena (Ph.D.) is Research Professor at the School of Business and Economics at UDD in Concepción, Chile. Her main research fields are related to Consumer Behavior, Choice Modelling, and Business Economics.

Nélyda has been working on understanding how consumers respond to product’s attributes during different choice situations. This work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals like Aquaculture Economics & Management.

In Teaching, Nélyda gives undergraduate economics course, and has taught graduate (economics and environmental valuation), and lifelong learning courses (Microeconomics).

In applied research, Nélyda has been involved in several projects.

She also has informed the public policy debate participating in projects for national institutions (Regional Government, Ministry of the Environment MMA, and Ministry of Education).

objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU

Hambre cero

Industria, innovación e infraestructura

Producción y consumo responsable

Julián Díaz Tautiva

Candidato a Dr. en Economía y Negocios UDD
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Has been working on assessing the role of internal corporate governance mechanisms on organizational sustainability outcomes. This work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals like Management Review Quarterly. In Teaching, Julián Díaz gives undergraduate management courses. In applied research, Julián Díaz has been involved in several projects with firms in the manufacturing sector.

objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU

Industria, innovación e infraestructura

Reducción de las desigualdades

Producción y consumo responsable

Acción por el clima

Walter Heredia Heredia

Candidato a Dr. en Economía y Negocios UDD
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Ph.D. student at the School of Business and Economics at UDD in Concepción, Chile. His main research fields are related to [sustainability and innovation in emerging economies.

Walter has been working on understanding/assessing /evaluating innovation in emerging economies. This work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals like Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, Thunderbird International Business Review.

In applied research, Walter has been involved in several projects with firms in the HealthCare sector. He also has informed the public policy debate participating in projects for national and international institutions.

objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU

Industria, innovación e infraestructura

Producción y consumo responsable

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU

Fin de la pobreza

Hambre cero

Salud y bienestar

Educación de calidad

Igualdad de género

Agua limpia y saneamiento

Energía asequible y no contaminante

Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico

Industria, innovación e infraestructura

Reducción de las desigualdades

Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles

Producción y consumo responsable

Acción por el clima

Vida submarina

Vida de ecosistemas terrestres

Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas

Alianza para lograr los objetivos