Los conflictos, la inseguridad, las instituciones débiles y el acceso limitado a la justicia continúan suponiendo una grave amenaza para el desarrollo sostenible.
El número de personas que huyen de las guerras, las persecuciones y los conflictos superó los 70 millones en 2018, la cifra más alta registrada por la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) en casi 70 años…(Leer más)
Fuente: https://www.un.org/
Erica Salvaj is Professor of General Management and Strategy and Research Director at the School of Business and Economics at Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Chile and Visiting Scholar at Universidad de San Andres, Argentina.
Her primary fields of research are strategy, leadership, social networks, corporate governance, international business, gender and business history.
She completed her Ph.D. in Business Administration at IESE Business School, Barcelona, was GCEE Fellow at Babson College and has received fellowships and research grants from the Argentinean and Chilean National Commissions for Scientific and Technological Research.
Her publications have appeared in leading journals including Global Strategy Journal, Journal of Business Research, Harvard Business Review, Corporate Governance, Business History, Enterprise and Society, Business History Review, Multinational Business Review, among others.
Erica has been an active member of the OMT Division at AOM since 2007 and the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. She contributed as a reviewer, presenter and PDW organizer.
Also, in recent years she has been a faculty facilitator for the Doctoral Student Consortium.
Finally, Erica is board director at Fundación Conboca
Featured Publications
- A comparative analysis of the internationalization of sub-national and central state-owned enterprises: shreds of evidence from Latin America. (2021). Multinational Business Review.
- A Sustainable Management Model for Cultural Creative Tourism Ecosystems. (2020). Sustainability.
- COVID-19 and Higher Education: Responding to Local Demands and the Consolidation of e-Internationalization in Latin American Universities. (2021). Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.
- Crises conducting stakeholder salience: shifts in the evolution of private universities’ governance in Latin America. (2021). Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.
- Gender inequality: Curious Practices. (2022). Academy of management proceedings.
- Social Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities (WITHDRAWN). (2021). Academy of management proceedings.
- Subnational State Owned Enterprises in Latin America: International Expansion and Financial Autonomy. (2020). Academy of management proceedings.
- Women may be climbing on board, but not in first class: A long-term study of the factors affecting women’s board participation in Argentina and Chile (1923–2010). (2022). Business History.