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Organizaciones y sustentabilidad

centro de sustentabilidad

En esta línea analizamos como se relaciona la organización con los diversos aspectos de la sustentabilidad. Por ejemplo, nos interesa comprender como la empresa genera acciones para generar un valor positivo en su entorno. Además, estamos interesados en entender como las empresas comunican sus acciones de sustentabilidad, como las reportan, y como adaptan sus sistemas de cumplimiento cuando los compromisos asociados a acciones de sustentables son voluntarios. 

Además, por medio de nuestra investigación, nos interesa comprender cómo la economía circular puede ser aplicada en las empresas para mejorar la eficiencia y reducir los impactos negativos en el medio ambiente.

centro de sustentabilidad
centro de sustentabilidad

Finalmente, estamos interesados en comprender como la diversidad de género dentro de la organización impacta en la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la sustentabilidad.

• Responsabilidad Social Empresarial
• Credibilidad Mensaje Sustentabilidad
• Cumplimiento
• Políticas de ESG
• Economía Circular
• Género


Tomás Santa María González

Profesor Asistente
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Tomás Santa María González (Ph.D.) is Assistant Professor the School of Business and Economics at UDD in Santiago, Chile. His main research fields are related to Corporate Sustainability, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Business Model Innovation and Circular Economy. Tomas has been working on understanding the challenges, processes and facilitation of circular economy and sustainability-oriented innovation in private sector organizations. His work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals like Business Strategy and the Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production and Sustainable Production and Consumption. In Teaching, Tomás gives courses of business sustainability and general management at undergraduate and graduate levels.

He obtained his Ph.D. in Sustainability and Innovation Management at the Karl-Franzens- Universität Graz, and a MSc in Sustainability and Business at University of Leeds. Previous to his academic experience he worked in the beverage, tourism and salmon farming industries, and is the co-founder of an eco-tourism company.

Áreas de Investigación

  • •Economía Circular
  • •Negocios Circulares
  • •Sustentabilidad

objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU

Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico

Producción y consumo responsable

Acción por el clima

Vida de ecosistemas terrestres

Alianza para lograr los objetivos

Erica Salvaj Carrera

Profesora e investigadora FEN UDD
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Erica Salvaj is Professor of General Management and Strategy and Research Director at the School of Business and Economics at Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Chile and Visiting Scholar at Universidad de San Andres, Argentina.

Her primary fields of research are strategy, leadership, social networks, corporate governance, international business, gender and business history.

She completed her Ph.D. in Business Administration at IESE Business School, Barcelona, was GCEE Fellow at Babson College and has received fellowships and research grants from the Argentinean and Chilean National Commissions for Scientific and Technological Research.

Her publications have appeared in leading journals including Global Strategy Journal, Journal of Business Research, Harvard Business Review, Corporate Governance, Business History, Enterprise and Society, Business History Review, Multinational Business Review, among others.

Erica has been an active member of the OMT Division at AOM since 2007 and the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. She contributed as a reviewer, presenter and PDW organizer.

Also, in recent years she has been a faculty facilitator for the Doctoral Student Consortium.

Finally, Erica is board director at Fundación Conboca

objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU

Educación de calidad

Igualdad de género

Reducción de las desigualdades

Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas

Alianza para lograr los objetivos

Ángel Sevil Estebán

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Ángel Sevil is Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at the School of Business and Economics at Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Chile.

His primary fields of research are business sustainability, corporate social responsibility, strategy, and innovation.

Angel completed his Ph.D. in Business Administration at IAE Business School. He also earned a Master of Science in Management Studies from MIT, an MBA from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and a Master of Science in Engineering from Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.

He has been awarded a fellowship and a research grant from the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research.

His publications have appeared in leading journals, including Journal of Management Studies, Applied Behavioral Sciences, and Sustainability Sciences, among others.

He has been an active member of the STR and SIM Divisions at the Academy of Management.

Finally, Angel has held CEO positions in multinational companies, integrating academic and practical expertise.

objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU

Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico

Industria, innovación e infraestructura

Producción y consumo responsable

Acción por el clima

Alianza para lograr los objetivos

Nuestros estudiantes de doctorado

Julián Díaz Tautiva

Candidato a Dr. en Economía y Negocios UDD
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Has been working on assessing the role of internal corporate governance mechanisms on organizational sustainability outcomes. This work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals like Management Review Quarterly. In Teaching, Julián Díaz gives undergraduate management courses. In applied research, Julián Díaz has been involved in several projects with firms in the manufacturing sector.

objetivos de desarrollo sostenible ONU

Industria, innovación e infraestructura

Reducción de las desigualdades

Producción y consumo responsable

Acción por el clima

Otras líneas de investigación

Respuestas de las organizaciones a presiones externas

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Organizaciones y sustentabilidad

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