Respuesta de las organizaciones a presiones externas
En este línea buscamos comprender como las empresas se adaptan a diversas presiones, ya sea del entorno social, económico o ambiental. Por ejemplo, investigamos como las empresas se adaptan a las adversidades generadas por el cambio climático y/o los fenómenos ambientales extremos.
Además, en esta línea analizamos cómo las empresas pueden diseñar estrategias que les permitan ser más sustentables y competitivas, en el marco de las nuevas exigencias del mercado y de las regulaciones. En particular, nos interesa comprender las variables (internas y externas) que determinan la adopción de ciertas estrategias responsables desde el punto de vista de la sustentabilidad.
Finalmente, por medio de esta línea buscamos comprender cómo los consumidores toman decisiones y cómo estas decisiones afectan al medio ambiente y a la sostenibilidad. Al mismo tiempo, estamos interesados en analizar cómo las distintas variables de la sustentabilidad pueden afectar la forma en que los consumidores toman decisiones.
Nuestros temas de investigación principales son:
• Adaptación de las empresas al cambio climático
• Comportamiento del Consumidor
• Comportamiento de las Empresas
Roberto D. Ponce Oliva (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor at the School of Business and Economics at UDD in Concepción, Chile. His main research fields are related to Business Sustainability, Climate Change Economics, Water Economics, and Tourism.
Roberto has been working on understanding the relationship between economics, society, and the environment. This work has been published in peer-reviewed journals like the Journal of Cleaner Productos, Sustainability Sciences, and Energy Policy. In Teaching, Roberto gives undergraduate [economics] and graduate [organizations and the environment] courses. In applied research, Roberto has been involved in projects with firms in the water and sanitation sector and the food industry. He also has informed the public policy debate by participating in projects for national [Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Social Development] and international institutions [ECLAC and IADB].
Featured Publications
- Mapping Firms’ adaptive profiles: The role of experiences and risk perception in the aquaculture industry. (2023).
- Trends in research on climate change and organizations: a bibliometric analysis (1999–2021). (2022) Management Review Quarterly.
- Advancing toward water security: addressing governance failures through a metagovernance of modes approach. (2022) Sustainability Science.
- Firms adaptation to climate change through product innovation (2022). Journal of Cleaner Production.
Felipe Vásquez Lavín (Ph.D.) is a tenured Professor at the School of Business and Economics at UDD in Concepción, Chile. His main research fields are related to Environmental Economics, Climate Change Economics, Water Resource Economics, and Choice Modelling.
Felipe has been working on understanding firms’ and consumers’ decisions related to environmental issues (consumption and production). This work has been published in top peer- reviewed journals such as the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Energy, Policy, and World Development. The solid multidisciplinary component of his research allows him to reach multidisciplinary journals like Water Resources Research, Scientific Reports, Conservation Letters, and Journal of Environmental Management. Felipe teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in econometrics with an emphasis on choice modeling.
In applied research, Felipe has been involved in several projects in water and sanitation, energy, and the food industry with private companies. He also has informed the public policy debate by participating in projects for the Chilean Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Social Development, and the Ministry of Environment in Uruguay and Peru.
Furthermore, he has led several projects with international institutions such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Development Bank (IDB), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the International Development Research Center (IDRC), the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVM) from the global Center of Adaptation (GCA) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
Featured Publications
- Understanding the role of personal experiences and contextual variables in shaping risk reduction preferences. (2023) Vaccine. (accepted)
- Assessing the Use of Pseudo-Panels to Estimate the Value of Statistical Life. (2022). Applied Economics.
- Use of medical services: How sensitive are the results to different econometric models?. (2022). International Journal of Health Planning and Management.
- Assessing the socio-economic and land-cover drivers of wildfire activity and its spatiotemporal distribution in south-central Chile. (2022). Science of Total Environment.
- Diversifying Chile’s climate action away from industrial plantations. (2022). Environmental Science and Policy.
- Sensitivity of Water Price Elasticity Estimates to Different Data Aggregation Levels (2021). Water Resources Management.
- Estimating Discount Rates for Environmental Goods: Are People’s Responses Inadequate to Frequency of Payments? (2021). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
- Effective Targeting and Additionality. Evaluating the D.L. 701 Reforms for Afforesting Erodible Land in Southern Chile. (2021). Land Economics 10.3368/le.97.4.011520-0003R2
Nélyda Campos Requena (Ph.D.) is Research Professor at the School of Business and Economics at UDD in Concepción, Chile. Her main research fields are related to Consumer Behavior, Choice Modelling, and Business Economics.
Nélyda has been working on understanding how consumers respond to product’s attributes during different choice situations. This work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals like Aquaculture Economics & Management.
In Teaching, Nélyda gives undergraduate economics course, and has taught graduate (economics and environmental valuation), and lifelong learning courses (Microeconomics).
In applied research, Nélyda has been involved in several projects.
She also has informed the public policy debate participating in projects for national institutions (Regional Government, Ministry of the Environment MMA, and Ministry of Education).
Featured Publications
- A comparison of mixed logit and latent class models to estimate market segments for seafood faced with ocean acidification (2023 ). Aquaculture Economics & Management.
- Can higher education admission be more equitable? Evidence supporting the inclusion of relative ranking in the process. (2021 ). Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja.
Nuestros estudiantes de doctorado
Ph.D. student at the School of Business and Economics at UDD in Chile, Chile. Her main research fields are strategy, business sustainability, and organizational behavior.
Joana has been working on understanding firms’ adaptation to the physical impacts of climate change. This work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals like Cleaner Production.
Featured Publications
- Firms’ adaptation to climate change through product innovation. (2022). Journal of Cleaner Production, 350, 131436.
- Firms’ Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change: A Literature Review. (2022). In Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Trends in research on climate change and organizations: a bibliometric analysis (1999–2021). (2022). Management Review Quarterly.
- The Role of Circular Business Modeling in the Entrepreneurial Identity-Construction Process. (2021). Sustainability.
Ph.D. student at the School of Business and Economics at UDD in Concepción, Chile. His main research fields are related to [sustainability and innovation in emerging economies.
Walter has been working on understanding/assessing /evaluating innovation in emerging economies. This work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals like Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, Thunderbird International Business Review.
In applied research, Walter has been involved in several projects with firms in the HealthCare sector. He also has informed the public policy debate participating in projects for national and international institutions.
Featured Publications
- How do digital capabilities affect firm performance? The mediating role of technological capabilities in the “new normal”. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. (2022). Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
- New strategies to explain organizational resilience on the firms: A cross-countries configurations Approach. (2022). Sustainability.
Mauricio Leiva is a Ph.D. student at the School of Business and Economics at UDD in Concepción, Chile. His main research fields are related to development economics, corporate credibility, business sustainability, and environmental education.
Mauricio has been working on understanding and assessing business sustainability and environmental education. This work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals like World Development, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Environmental Education Research, and Marine Policy. In Teaching, Mauricio gives undergraduate econometrics and microeconomics courses at several Universities of the Concepción.
He also has informed the public policy debate by participating in projects for national institutions: the Center of Applied Ecology & Sustainability (CAPES), the Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR), and international institutions: Environment for Development (EfD).
Featured Publications
- From theory to action: Explaining the process of knowledge attitudes and practices regarding the use and disposal of plastic among school children (2022). Journal of Environmental Psychology.
- Environmental educational programs in Chile: Do the characteristics of local governments affect school participation? (2022). Environmental Education Research.
- Prospects for Small-Scale Aquaculture in Chile: User Rights and Locations (2021). Marine Resource Economics.
- Do immigrants increase crime? Spatial analysis in a middle-income country (2020). World Development
Otras líneas de investigación
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